
Into the darkness (a dream)

With a friend or colleague I was at some company. Helping them to prank a colleague. We decided to hire a clown that had to look a bit like Ronald McDonald. Not too much because of possible copyright infringement. I talked to several people present in the large white room, scattered with desks and the occasional potted plants. The walls were white as well. No lights, no posters. We talked to learn more about the person who was going to be pranked and satisfied, one of them walked with us to the exit.

We were left in a room that seemed octogonal. In every wall there were one or two doors. White, with opague, small windows at face height and metal bars. Those allowed people to open them but the doors would close shut once you're through so you had to pick carefully.

There was also a hallway that would lead us back to where we came from.

To accomodate us, the lady who showed us out, opened one of the doors a bit, to show us that was not the exit but would lead us back into the building and into a maze we would probably get lost in. We chose the door right from the door she showed us, hoping that one would lead us outside. The bar was hard to push down but we pushed on anyway and stepped over the threshold into the darkness.


Singing (a dream)

Jumping on a train roof of a dark red train I knew I had to get back at him. He was the man who murdered me and I was a female teenager, approximately 15 years of age. Against the rushing wind I kept on crawling until I reached the coach he was in. 

On the side of the carriage was a leather strap on either side I could hook my hands in to not fall off. Spreading my legs as far apart as I could, I tried to keep my balance but was occassionally swept to my right, barely hanging on to one leather strap, making my way back up on top. 

Giggling at the thought of the man in the train thinking he was going crazy as I sang a song he knew me to sing when I was still alive, thinking he couldn't get me out of my head. But I wasn't dead. Or was I?

Unsure if I was dead or alive, I started singing anyway.