
Into the darkness (a dream)

With a friend or colleague I was at some company. Helping them to prank a colleague. We decided to hire a clown that had to look a bit like Ronald McDonald. Not too much because of possible copyright infringement. I talked to several people present in the large white room, scattered with desks and the occasional potted plants. The walls were white as well. No lights, no posters. We talked to learn more about the person who was going to be pranked and satisfied, one of them walked with us to the exit.

We were left in a room that seemed octogonal. In every wall there were one or two doors. White, with opague, small windows at face height and metal bars. Those allowed people to open them but the doors would close shut once you're through so you had to pick carefully.

There was also a hallway that would lead us back to where we came from.

To accomodate us, the lady who showed us out, opened one of the doors a bit, to show us that was not the exit but would lead us back into the building and into a maze we would probably get lost in. We chose the door right from the door she showed us, hoping that one would lead us outside. The bar was hard to push down but we pushed on anyway and stepped over the threshold into the darkness.


Singing (a dream)

Jumping on a train roof of a dark red train I knew I had to get back at him. He was the man who murdered me and I was a female teenager, approximately 15 years of age. Against the rushing wind I kept on crawling until I reached the coach he was in. 

On the side of the carriage was a leather strap on either side I could hook my hands in to not fall off. Spreading my legs as far apart as I could, I tried to keep my balance but was occassionally swept to my right, barely hanging on to one leather strap, making my way back up on top. 

Giggling at the thought of the man in the train thinking he was going crazy as I sang a song he knew me to sing when I was still alive, thinking he couldn't get me out of my head. But I wasn't dead. Or was I?

Unsure if I was dead or alive, I started singing anyway.

I love him (a dream)

My son's mother was talking to herself. Literally as two versions of her talked to eachother, sitting in chairs opposite of one another. On the left was the confused and scared psychiatric patient: pale face, wispy hair, crouched with her feet on the chair, dressed in a hospital gown, white with blue dots. Her few years younger or older version - blue t-shirt, combed hair and aubergine coloured trousers - but without severe psychosis.

The latter asking her scared self to finally 'get it out'. Moved to tears she told of a daughter ('Last I know she was in her last year of High School'. Ed. Specifically '5 VWO' in Dutch) before she turned to me, present in a corner of the room: 'I forgive myself. Will you tell our son I love him?'


The dream (a dream)

My friend got killed in a conflict, possibly a war. I felt his body getting cold in my arms in the trenches. He wore a white t-shirt, now bloody. We were in civilian clothing. He wore jeans, me some ensemble that appeared to be a dress suit. As if I was to go out on either a date or some fancy party before things went down. 

With my now dead buddy's card I bought a pack of cigarettes. With the intention to smoke them at his funeral. But people mistook me for him and I didn't have the nerve to tell them he was dead. 

So in the late evening, I took his body to his home and bedroom, dragging him like he was really, really drunk and even his mother fell for it. She welcomed me into their home and made me homemade fries with some vegetables. I helped cut the potatoes, convincing her her son was sleeping it off. Had dinner with them before so it was all perfectly normal. I also found it normal they had a pet tiger on the premises. 

So I came up with the idea of dragging my dead friend's body outside, next day in the early morning before anyone would be awake and blame the tiger for his death. Started dragging the body out of his room ('Nice detail by the filmmaker!' I thought, seeing dozens of flies hovering over the body, of which the eyes were sown shut), unto the patio which was directly outside the bedroom. Heard a noise and got scared so left the body where it was, covered with a brown woolen blanket with three single and small stripes: red, white and black. Tried to hide behind the shed, cowering but was detected by Mrs...? (Forgot her name), my friend's mom. 

She invited me out to the garden to meet a young lady who I immediately 'clicked' with and who I swapped underwear with for unknown reasons. Most likely just for laughs. I walked her up to a nearby (about two miles in a North Eastern direction) outdoor shopping centre. Where she met up with a (female) friend to go somewhere where she would one day take me too. A powerplant? A military complex? Where her father worked? 'You're smiling because you know what I'm wearing, right?', she said cheekily before we parted. 

I met up with a friend and together we walked back 'home'. From a short distance I pointed him the huge homemade winding stairs (that obviously needed some serious maintenance) going around an enormous and obviously old tree. 'Let's get up there one day, yeah?' 'Yeah!' Back on the terrain there was a dark coloured car on the grass. In the back seat my friend's dad, panicking. In the driver's seat (on the right side of the (English?) car his wife, bend over the steering wheel and in obvious pain, bleeding from a head wound. Next to her an unknown brown haired young woman. Babysitter? Dog walker for the tiger? Household help? Friend of the family? A friend of her son's? 

'We don't have insurance! Could you have caused the accident please?' They obviously knew that as a foreigner I was insured and my insurance would cover the costs. I didn't have a car myself so decided was the story would be that I had borrowed a friend's car and - because of my clumsy dealing with the for me unknown controls had accidentally hit their car, just as they excited the driveway and I was making a turn to drive up. All we needed to find was the other car. 

When I spotted a (white) car on their grounds (possibly from the young passenger or from the interesting young woman I had walked to the shopping centre) with the passenger door (right side) already open, I knew that was the car I would make a dent and a few scratches in by bumping it into the car of my dead friend's mother. When I hastily walked towards the car to set the insurance scam in motion, some idiot outside my (real life) home honked his or her car horn (for no other reason than to let someone know the lift had arrived. And to be a selfish a-hole who's too lazy to get out and ring the doorbell or simply call or send a text), woke me up (6.30 in the morning, for f*ck's sake!) and ended the dream.


Subjects (a dream)

She had spilled something and he cleaned it with a cloth. Now dripping with cow blood. With it he walked past a security guard who was seated behind a low desk, checking partygoers for the right bracelet before entering the other hal.

On smelling the cow blood the alien security guard lost it and his fangs emerged 'cause on his dead planet the spilling of blood meant commencing the battle.

His proposed victim decided to run to return later with a rifle designed for the purpose. Capsules with white powder that, once fired, hit the target as flat round metal disks. It was mounted on an orange iron exoskeleton. With practicing one disk stayed stuck high on a wall.

The dancehal could hold at least a thousand people and the organisation was happy thirty people were there!

He stepped backward, into his temporary armor and did what he had to do. Afterwards he sat on his knees next to the throne from where the king sat waving at his subjects.


A guide led me through a bun. We were plucking ourselves a way through the bread when we got in a chamber that looked threatening. I asked the guide if he recognized a point in the ceiling that looked like a sort of fungus: brownish threads of biological material crawling allover. From it emerged a creature that rolled towards us. It's body was disc-shaped and it had at least six legs, being little bigger than a common house-spider, which it also resembled.

The colours were mostly brown and black. It rolled towards us, circled around us and than away from us before returning, obviously curious. It overcame its fear and ran over my body. When I made swapping movements with my hands to chase it off it kind of changed into a butterfly-like creature, flew up and circled around me a few more times.

At the same time a female friend of mine was in danger. She was in an all white room with two plastic benches in the middle, back to back. Here and there laserbeams had been fired across the room. Most were red, some were green. Once emitted, the beams stayed. My friend already had a small fleshwound at her leg where one of the beams had hit her. More beams filled the room when you could see the creature emitting them: It seemed to be a baby's head in a half-round plastic yelow bowl.

Whilst my friend crawled the room for her life she knew I was on my way to rescue her. At one point the baby-head stood on one of the benches to fire it's laserbeams from there. It lost balance and fell. Out the now broken yellow bowl slipped a slimy oval and extremele large children's head. Suddenly the rest of the body had formed, wearing blue and red clothes. Now the being had evolved and could aim it's laserbeams more accurately.

When I entered the room my friend shouted to warn me for a laserbeam. I evaded two by climbing onto one of the couches.


It was some time in the future.

Mankind had been genetically enhanced so every individual could only feel one emotion at the time.

They thought it would rid the world of a lot of suffering. In stead the earth turned into chaos.

Humankind needs different emotions to cope with everyday life.